Opening Times: Every Day 06.30 - 18.00 , Donate

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Chao Chettakup

A wood-carved statue that stands on a square pedestal. On its head is the "Yod Chai" crown. Its hands are adorned with bracelets. The right hand holds a wheel, which is a stylus. The left hand holds the palm-leaf Akkhara Santhana to record the bad deeds of the people who die. There is legend that Chao Chettakup was a follower of the God of Death and had the duty of reading the history of the dead to him.

Bangkok City Pillar Shrine Is a court built with the establishment of Rattanakosin in the capital. According to the Brahmin tradition Before building a city, the ceremony must be held to raise the main pillars in Chaiyaphum. To be a fortune for the country to be built

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Bangkok City Pillar Shrine
2 ถนน หลักเมือง
เขตพระนคร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10200
(+66) 2 225 4403, (+66)85 485 2464